Read together John 13:1-17, 31b-35. Have a basin with warm water in it for footwashing. Invite everyone to participate. The first person washes the second person’s feet. The second person washes the next person’s, and so on until everyone’s feet are washed. It doesn’t have to be a pedicure! If you have a fragrant oil to add to the water, that adds to the sensory feeling of the act.
Maundy Thursday is often the day when Christians memorialize Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet as a sign of service to and love for the other. As we are all about handwashing these days, have each person come up with a handwashing song or rhyme. Write or illustrate these and place them near each sink in the house.
Many in the Christian community this year will go without celebrating Holy Communion in the ways in which they are accustom. We remember on Maundy Thursday though the night Jesus shared a special meal with his disciples and commanded them to “do this to remember me.” This might be hard, but it’s good to remember what the Lord Jesus taught us. Spend some time after dinner discussing the following questions.